Bilston CofE Primary School, based in Wolverhampton undertook the HugglePetsCIC Animal Assisted Intervention Programme to help improve the wellbeing of their pupils. Having chosen the 'Building Confidence, Self Esteem and Resilience' six week programme for their pupils, they noticed a considerable difference in the moods, behaviours and overall wellbeing of the children within a couple of weeks of attending our sessions.

Meet Maddison

Maddison has flourished during the programme at HugglePets. She has embraced every opportunity to get involved and engaged well with the staff. I am hoping that this new found confidence will be used outside of the programme. Well Done Maddison! 

Pastoral Manager 

Feedback from Therapist include:

Maddison was quiet in the group, but thrived from the interactions with the animals. Over the weeks we saw her confidence build and finished the programmes with us as the staring role in a press shoot. She was a pleasure to have in sessions. 


Maddison, with Milly the Millipede  Liam and Corbyn, with Luna the Therapy Dog Molly, with Barbara the Bearded Dragon 
Ebony, with Rhonda the Rat The Children feeding the Aquarium Fish Cienna-Grace, with Gus the Guinea Pig

Meet Rafael

Rafael has been excited to take part in this programme. He has engaged well with all the animals having a natural, caring nature with them. I have seen a level of confidence in Rafael during his time here that I have never seen before. Well done Rafael! 

Pastoral Manager  

Feedback from Therapist include: 

Rafael presented as shy and timid in the first few sessions, however as his confidence grew within the group he opened up and felt more comfortable in asking questions and feeding back his answers during activity tasks. He really enjoyed his time with the animals and showed much enthusiasm in handling and petting them.


We are pleased to have been part of these positive changes within young people who are struggling with their mental health. 

If your school would like to book a 6 week Animal Assisted Intervention programme then please Click Here to enquire.