Wodensfield Primary School, based in Wolverhampton undertook the HugglePetsCIC Animal Assisted Intervention Programme to help improve the wellbeing of their pupils. Having chosen the 'Healthy Relationships' six week programme for their pupils, they noticed a considerable difference in the moods, behaviours and overall wellbeing of the children within a couple of weeks of attending our sessions.

Meet Brooklyn 

Brooklyn was referred to our programme via the school as she was struggling with Low Mood and Anxiety, but was recommended to attend our Healthy Relationships programme. Here is the feedback from both her Class Teacher and the HugglePetsCIC Therapist. 

Brooklyn has had a very positive experience with HugglePets, the programme has made her happier at home and feels better generally in herself.

Class Teacher

Feedback from the Therapist include: 

Brooklyn has been very interactive with our therapy animals and has engaged well with the sessions, sharing her thoughts, experiences and feelings in a very mature way. 


Jess, with Barbara the Bearded Dragon Evie & Savannah, with Mervin the Millipede Jacob, with Luna the Therapy Dog
Tommy, with Donatello the Tortoise Tommy, Mason and Jacob, with Barbara the Bearded Dragon Mason, with Luna the Therapy Dog

Meet Evie 

Evie was referred to our programme via the school as she was struggling with anxiety and social interactions, and therefore was recommended to attend our Healthy Relationships programme, to encourage personal development to make new friends. Here is the feedback from both her Class Teacher and the HugglePetsCIC Therapist. 

Evie's parents have shared how much Evie has enjoyed her time with HugglePets. It was lovely to see Evie share her ideas, feelings, hold the animals and feel part of the group of children she did not know very well. 

School Family Support Officer 

Feedback from the Therapist include: 

Evie although quiet and reserved at first has really embraced this programme. She has shared her feelings in group discussions incredibly well, really thinking about her answers and has opened up more in recent weeks and does seem to have improved in her confidence.  


We are pleased to have been part of these positive changes with young people who are struggling with their mental health. 

If your school would like to book a 6 week Animal Assisted Intervention programme then please Click Here to enquire.