Penn Hall Special School, based in Wolverhampton undertook the HugglePetsCIC Animal Assisted Activities Programme to help improve the wellbeing of their pupils. The Animal Assisted Activities six week programme is designed to align with the Mental Health curriculum for schools, and covers topics such as basic emotions, healthy eating, exercise, self esteem and confidence building. Below are comments from the school and HugglePetsCIC Mental Health First Aider/SEN Activities Coordinator. 

Feedback from the SEN Activities Coordinator:

The children showed a lot of resilience by exploring our HugglePetsCIC sensory activity room and meeting HugglePetsCIC staff for the first time. They quickly adapted to their environment and embraced all of our animals in their own way.

Meet Lewis


At first, Lewis was a little unsure being in the HugglePetsCIC environment but soon settled once adaptions to the programme were made to support his needs. With the support of his school staff and toy animals, Lewis was able to enjoy his HugglePets experience meeting new animals and being out in the community, which he has struggled with post lockdown.

SEN Activities Coordinator 

Hargun, with Steve the Corn Snake Samraj, playing with the bubbles on the Interactive Floor Mat Kiearah, with Georgie the Bearded Dragon
Rahim, with Gus the Guinea Pig Kian, with Gus the Guinea Pig Kyeran, with Lillie with Leopard Geko

Meet Adam

Adam was in his element during Animal Assisted Activity sessions at HugglePetsCIC. Adam showed at lot of happy emotions and achieved a high state of wellbeing when engaging in his favourite sensory activities and connecting with our therapy animals. 

SEN Activities Coordinator 

Feedback from the School include: 

Penn Hall staff expressed that all of the children have really enjoyed attending HugglePets sessions. They appreciated how HugglePets adapted the session to meet the needs of their pupils. The children have enjoyed meeting the different animals and using our sensory equipment.  

Class Teacher

We are pleased to have been part of these positive changes with young people who are struggling with their mental health. 

If your school would like to book a 6 week Animal Assisted Intervention programme then please Click Here to enquire.