The Phoenix Academy, based in Wolverhampton undertook the HugglePetsCIC Animal Assisted Intervention Programme to help improve the wellbeing of their pupils. Having chosen the 'Healthy Relationships' six week programme for their pupils, they noticed a considerable difference in the moods, behaviours and overall wellbeing of the children within a couple of weeks of attending our sessions.

Meet Logan 

Logan was referred to our programme via the school as he was struggling with understanding healthy relationships with others, and was recommended to attend our Healthy Relationships programme. Here is the feedback from both her Class Teacher and the HugglePetsCIC Therapist. 

Logan has really enjoyed the sessions. He has always been keen to talk with the therapist during the sessions. He has started to share more openly how is he feeling and things that have happened to him.   

Class Teacher

Feedback from the Therapist include: 

Logan played a very active part of this group always asking questions and keen to share his view of the world and topics we would talk about which was great. Logan shares a massive passion for our therapy animals and handled them confidently with care.  


Kyree, with Gary the African Land Snail Joshua, with Rhonda the Rat Alex, with Mabel the Therapy Rabbit
Kaiden, with Mabel the Therapy Rabbit Ronnie, with Gus the Guinea Pig Rhys, with Mabel the Therapy Rabbit

Meet Sophie

Sophie was referred to our programme via the school as she was struggling with anxiety and social interactions, and therefore was recommended to attend our Healthy Relationships programme, to encourage personal development to make new friends. Here is the feedback from both her Class Teacher and the HugglePetsCIC Therapist. 

The programme has helped Sophie to talk over her feelings at the time. It has also helped her focus and become more patient. 

Class Teacher  

Feedback from the Therapist include:

Sophie was very passionate about our therapy animals (especially the therapy dogs) and was always eager to interact and hold them, often not wanting to give them back :) . Sophie also participated well in group discussions and sharing her activities.  


Meet Harlow

Harlow was referred to our programme via the school as he was struggling with anxiety and social interactions, and therefore was recommended to attend our Healthy Relationships programme, to encourage personal development to make new friends. Here is the feedback from both his Class Teacher and the HugglePetsCIC Therapist. 

Harlow initially wanted to access 1:1 sessions, but enjoyed the animals and the chance to work on his own feelings now rather than historical. He often finds it hard to process feelings and can take time to regulate, we have seen a change in this and self-regulation.   

Class Teacher  

Feedback from the Therapist include: 

Harlow has participated well in the group and activities in the work book. Over the weeks, his humour has come out and he has shared his feelings well.   


We are pleased to have been part of these positive changes with young people who are struggling with their mental health. 

If your school would like to book a 6 week Animal Assisted Intervention programme then please Click Here to enquire.